In a statement that has sent shockwaves through social media and sparked heated debates across Nigeria, Ossai Ovie Success, an aide to the Delta State Governor, has found himself at the center of a controversy. His remarks about women living with their partners without traditional marriage rites have ignited discussions about gender roles, cultural practices, and the evolving nature of relationships in modern Nigerian society.

On Tuesday, September 24, 2024, Ossai Ovie Success took to his official Facebook page to share his views on cohabitation before traditional marriage. In a post that quickly went viral, he wrote: “Any woman who is staying in her man’s house without bride price payment is a cheap commodity.

This statement, laden with cultural and gender-specific implications, immediately sparked a firestorm of reactions across various social media platforms. Within hours, the post had garnered thousands of comments, shares, and reactions, with opinions sharply divided on the appropriateness and accuracy of Success’s statement.

The responses to Success’s statement have been swift and varied, reflecting the diverse perspectives on relationships and traditional practices in Nigeria.

Some social media users expressed agreement with Success’s viewpoint. Facebook user Escritor9336 commented simply, “Louder,” indicating support for the statement.

However, many others vehemently disagreed with Success’s characterization. Benny_Orji responded, “That’s a harmful and disrespectful statement. Women deserve respect regardless of their living situation.” This sentiment was echoed by many who felt the statement was reductive and disrespectful to women.

The controversy has also sparked discussions about gender dynamics and potential double standards in Nigerian society. Some respondents pointed out what they perceived as hypocrisy in Success’s statement.

Adelakun Tufayl commented, “Any man that has the mentality that makes her stay without paying the bride price is a cheaper commodity,” flipping the script on Success’s original statement.

Taking the discussion in another direction, Modest Simon Nwokike asked, “What of the men that live in the woman’s house? What do we call them?” This question highlights the complexity of modern relationships and the changing dynamics of cohabitation in Nigeria.

This evolution has led to a variety of living arrangements that don’t always align with traditional expectations, creating a disconnect that Success’s statement has brought to the forefront of public discourse.

The controversy has also raised questions about the legal status of cohabiting couples in Nigeria. Barrister Chinyere Okafor, a family law expert based in Lagos, provides clarification:

It’s important to note that while traditional marriage rites, including bride price, are culturally significant, they are not the only form of legal union recognized in Nigeria,” Okafor states. “Court and registry marriages are legally binding, regardless of whether traditional rites have been performed.

This legal perspective adds another layer to the debate, highlighting the distinction between cultural practices and legal rights.

As an aide to the Delta State Governor, Success’s statement has also raised questions about the intersection of personal views and public office. Political analyst Adebola Ogunshina comments on the potential ramifications:

Public officials, even at the aide level, need to be mindful of the impact their statements can have,” Ogunshina advises. In today’s social media age, personal views can quickly become associated with the office one represents, potentially leading to political fallout.

As of the time of reporting, the Delta State Governor’s office has not issued an official statement regarding Success’s comments.

Beyond the immediate controversy, Success’s statement has sparked a broader conversation about changing norms in Nigerian society, particularly regarding relationships and marriage.

Relationship counselor Dr. Funmi Akingbade sees this as an opportunity for constructive dialogue:

While the wording of the statement was undoubtedly controversial, it has opened up important discussions about how we view relationships, cohabitation, and the role of traditional practices in modern Nigerian society,” Dr. Akingbade notes. “These are conversations we need to have as our society evolves.”

The rapid spread and intense reactions to Success’s statement also highlight the growing role of social media in shaping public discourse in Nigeria.

Digital media expert Yemi Adegbola comments on this phenomenon:

What we’re seeing with this controversy is the power of social media to amplify voices and spark nationwide debates almost instantaneously,” Adegbola explains. “A single Facebook post has led to discussions in homes, offices, and media outlets across the country.”

As the debate continues to unfold, it remains to be seen what long-term impact Success’s statement will have on public discourse around relationships and traditional practices in Nigeria.

Some observers hope that the controversy will lead to more nuanced discussions about gender roles, respect in relationships, and the balance between cultural traditions and modern realities.

Others worry that the inflammatory nature of the initial statement might overshadow the opportunity for constructive dialogue.

Regardless of the outcome, one thing is clear: the intersection of traditional values, modern relationships, and public commentary in the age of social media remains a complex and often controversial topic in Nigerian society.

As Nigerians continue to navigate these evolving social norms, debates like the one sparked by Ossai Ovie Success’s statement serve as a reminder of the ongoing negotiations between tradition and modernity in one of Africa’s most dynamic nations.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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