Kevin De Bruyne, the Manchester City midfielder, has launched a scathing attack on FIFA, accusing the governing body of prioritizing financial gain over the well-being of players. The Belgian star’s comments come in the wake of the recent FIFA Club World Cup, which was criticized for its grueling schedule and the impact it had on players’ fitness.

A Grueling Schedule

The FIFA Club World Cup, which was held in Morocco in February 2024, was criticized for its condensed schedule. Teams were forced to play multiple matches in a short period of time, leading to concerns about player fatigue and the risk of injuries.

De Bruyne, who represented Manchester City at the tournament, was particularly critical of the schedule. He claimed that the players were treated like “cattle” and that FIFA was more concerned with making money than protecting the players’ health.

The Impact on Players

The grueling schedule of the FIFA Club World Cup had a significant impact on many players. Several players suffered injuries during the tournament, while others were forced to play through pain.

De Bruyne believes that the tournament’s format is unsustainable and that FIFA needs to make changes to protect the players. He called on the governing body to listen to the players’ concerns and put their well-being first.

FIFA’s Response

FIFA has defended its decision to hold the FIFA Club World Cup in February. The organization argues that the tournament is a valuable competition that showcases the best clubs in the world.

However, FIFA has acknowledged that the schedule of the tournament could be improved. The organization has promised to review the format of the competition and explore ways to reduce the strain on players.

A Growing Discontent

De Bruyne’s criticism of FIFA is not isolated. There is a growing sense of discontent among players and coaches about the demands of the modern football calendar.

The number of games played by top-level players has increased significantly in recent years, leading to concerns about burnout and the risk of injuries. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this problem, as leagues and tournaments were forced to cram in a large number of matches in a short period of time.

The Need for Change

It is clear that the current football calendar is unsustainable. FIFA and other football governing bodies need to take action to address the growing concerns about player welfare.

One possible solution is to reduce the number of games played each season. This could be achieved by shortening league seasons or eliminating unnecessary competitions.

Another option is to introduce more rest periods for players. This could include longer breaks between matches and more time off during the offseason.

Ultimately, FIFA and other football governing bodies need to prioritize the well-being of players. The pursuit of financial gain should not come at the expense of the players’ health and happiness.

Kevin De Bruyne’s criticism of FIFA is a wake-up call for the governing body. It is time for FIFA to take action to protect the players and ensure that the football calendar is sustainable for the long term.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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