A viral video has sparked outrage and controversy after showing Davido’s security team forcefully removing controversial DJ Chicken from the singer’s presence. The incident, which took place at a recent event, has ignited a heated debate about celebrity security, public behavior, and the boundaries of personal space.

DJ Chicken, known for his provocative and often controversial antics on social media, has been a frequent target of criticism. His behavior, which often involves vulgar language, offensive gestures, and public disturbances, has garnered both notoriety and condemnation.

In the viral video, DJ Chicken can be seen approaching Davido’s car, attempting to interact with the singer. However, Davido’s security team quickly intervened, pushing DJ Chicken away and preventing him from getting closer. The encounter was captured on camera and quickly spread on social media platforms.

The video has sparked a range of reactions. Some have defended Davido’s security team, arguing that they were simply doing their job to protect the singer from potential threats or disturbances. Others have criticized the security team’s actions, claiming that they were excessive and disproportionate to the situation.

DJ Chicken himself has responded to the incident, expressing his anger and frustration. In a series of social media posts, he has accused Davido of being arrogant and disrespectful, claiming that the singer’s security team had no right to treat him in such a manner.

A Growing Trend of Celebrity Entourage Confrontations

The incident involving Davido and DJ Chicken is not the first time that a celebrity’s security team has been involved in a public confrontation. In recent years, there have been numerous instances where celebrities and their entourages have clashed with fans, paparazzi, or other members of the public.

These confrontations often involve physical altercations, verbal abuse, or threats of violence. While some argue that celebrities have a right to protect themselves from harassment, others contend that their security teams should exercise restraint and avoid using excessive force.

The Role of Celebrity Security

Celebrity security teams play a crucial role in protecting their clients from potential threats and ensuring their safety. However, they must also be mindful of their responsibilities to the public and avoid engaging in behavior that could escalate tensions or cause harm.

In the case of Davido and DJ Chicken, the question arises as to whether the security team’s actions were justified. While it is understandable that they would want to protect their client, it is also important to consider the potential consequences of using excessive force.

The Impact on Public Perception

The incident has had a significant impact on public perception of both Davido and DJ Chicken. Some have questioned Davido’s judgment in allowing his security team to use such aggressive tactics. Others have criticized DJ Chicken for his provocative behavior and his refusal to respect boundaries.

The controversy has also raised broader questions about the role of celebrities in society and their responsibility to set a positive example. In an era where social media has amplified the voices of both celebrities and their fans, it is important for everyone to be mindful of their words and actions.


The incident involving Davido’s security team and DJ Chicken is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by celebrities and their entourages. While it is essential for celebrities to protect themselves from harm, it is equally important for them to do so in a way that respects the rights and dignity of others.

The controversy surrounding this incident has highlighted the need for a more nuanced understanding of celebrity security and the complex relationship between celebrities and their fans. As the debate continues, it is clear that there is no easy answer to the question of how celebrities should interact with the public.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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