Davido’s much-anticipated wedding to his longtime girlfriend, Chioma, has social media buzzing with the hashtag #Chivido2024 trending at breakneck speed. While the focus naturally falls on the bride and groom, another name has piqued public curiosity – Lati Biola, Davido’s chosen best man.

Biola isn’t your stereotypical best man – the flamboyant suits and bachelor party shenanigans often associated with the role seem far removed from his public persona. But for Davido, Biola represents something far more substantial: a loyal confidante, a shrewd businessman, and a vital cog in the DMW machine.

From A&R to Oil & Gas: The Multifaceted Biola

While a recent viral video might paint Biola as the overprotective aide who slapped a fan seeking a picture with Davido, a closer look reveals a more nuanced picture. Biola serves as the A&R (Artists and Repertoire) manager for Davido’s record label, DMW. His role involves scouting new talent, overseeing artist development, and ensuring the label’s creative vision aligns with market demands. Industry insiders credit Biola’s keen eye for talent with discovering some of DMW’s rising stars.

But Biola’s influence extends beyond music. He’s the director of Latino General Merchants Nigeria Limited, a thriving oil and gas company based in Lagos. This entrepreneurial spirit showcases Biola’s ability to navigate diverse industries, a quality undoubtedly valued by the ambitious Davido.

The Slap Heard Around the Globe: A Complex Situation

The February 2024 incident where Biola slapped a Davido fan seeking a selfie undeniably tarnished his public image. However, reports suggest Biola swiftly apologized to the fan and offered a significant financial compensation. This swift damage control suggests Biola prioritizes maintaining Davido’s image while acknowledging the importance of respecting fans.

The incident also sparked discussions about celebrity boundaries and the intense pressure stars face. Biola’s actions, while excessive, could be interpreted as an attempt to protect Davido in a high-pressure situation.

Beyond the Hype: A Bond Built on Loyalty and Trust

The true significance of Biola’s role lies in his unwavering loyalty to Davido. The two have been friends for years, with Biola serving as a constant source of support throughout Davido’s meteoric rise to fame. Biola’s selection as best man underscores the deep trust Davido places in him.

This trust extends beyond personal matters. Biola’s business acumen likely plays a role in managing Davido’s finances and career trajectory. In the cutthroat world of entertainment, having a reliable confidante like Biola is invaluable.

A Modern Best Man: Brains over Brawn

The traditional image of a best man often revolves around boisterous personalities and party planning prowess. Biola defies this stereotype. He represents a new breed of best man – one who prioritizes loyalty, business savvy, and a willingness to shield his friend from the harsher realities of fame.

Biola’s selection as best man speaks volumes about Davido’s priorities. In a world obsessed with appearances, Davido has chosen a friend who prioritizes substance over flash.

The Road Ahead: A Power Duo for the Future?

With Davido’s wedding and the continued success of DMW, all eyes are on this dynamic duo. Biola’s influence on Davido’s career trajectory is undeniable, and their combined talents could propel DMW to even greater heights.

Whether Biola remains solely behind the scenes or steps into a more public role within DMW remains to be seen. However, one thing is certain: with Biola by his side, Davido has a loyal and capable confidante who will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of Afrobeats.

The #Chivido2024 wedding may be about celebrating Davido and Chioma’s love story, but it also throws a spotlight on the importance of strong friendships. In Lati Biola, Davido has found not just a best man, but a trusted advisor and a partner in his journey to superstardom.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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