A recent TikTok video by a Nigerian woman living in the UK has reignited discussions about the changing landscape of dating and courtship. The video, which has gone viral, sees the woman lamenting the lack of men who approach and “toast” women, a term used to describe flirting or initiating romantic interest.

Her comments, while intended to be lighthearted, have sparked a lively online debate about chivalry, assertiveness in dating, and the cultural differences that can shape romantic interactions.

A Toast to Tradition, or Time for a Change? The Evolving Landscape of Dating

The woman in the video expresses her disappointment at the lack of men who approach her in public spaces like bars or restaurants. She specifically mentions missing the days of being “toasted.”

This concept of men initiating romantic interactions aligns with traditional notions of chivalry, where men are expected to take the lead in pursuing women. However, the video has sparked questions about the relevance of such traditions in the modern dating world.

Here’s a closer look at the evolving landscape of dating:

  • Shifting Gender Roles: Traditional gender roles, where men take charge and women are passive recipients of attention, are being challenged. Women are increasingly taking a more assertive approach to dating.
  • The Rise of Online Dating: Apps and online platforms have transformed how people meet and initiate romantic connections. The ability to connect virtually has changed the dynamics of traditional courtship rituals.
  • Cultural Nuances: Dating customs and expectations can vary significantly across cultures. The woman’s experience, being a Nigerian immigrant in the UK, highlights the challenges of navigating unfamiliar social norms.

The viral video serves as a reminder that the concept of chivalry is not universally embraced and that dating customs are constantly evolving.

Beyond the Viral Rant: Chivalry vs. Assertiveness in Dating

The online conversation surrounding the video has highlighted the debate about assertiveness in dating:

  • The Value of Confidence: Many argue that both men and women should feel empowered to initiate romantic connections. Confidence and assertiveness are valuable traits in any dating scenario.
  • Respectful Approaches: Regardless of who initiates contact, respect and clear communication are essential for healthy dating interactions.
  • Finding Common Ground: Modern dating is about striking a balance between respecting traditional customs and embracing a more egalitarian approach to initiating romantic connections.

The key takeaway lies in fostering mutual respect and creating opportunities for genuine connection, regardless of who initiates the first move.

From Toasting to Talking: Finding Common Ground in the Modern Dating World

The Nigerian lady’s viral video, though lighthearted in tone, has ignited a thought-provoking conversation about dating customs and expectations. Here’s what we can learn from this online discourse:

  • Open Communication is Key: Open communication is crucial for navigating the complexities of modern dating. Clearly expressing interest or politely declining advances are essential for creating healthy interactions.
  • Embrace New Approaches: Dating apps and online platforms offer alternative avenues for meeting potential partners. Being open to different ways of connecting can expand one’s dating pool.
  • Celebrate Cultural Differences: Understanding and appreciating cultural nuances can help bridge the gap when dating someone from a different background.

Whether chivalry is dead or simply taking a new form remains to be seen. However, the Nigerian lady’s lament serves as a reminder that the key to successful dating, regardless of location or cultural background, lies in open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to embrace the ever-evolving landscape of romantic connection.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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