Maverick entertainer, Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly Boy, has issued a rallying cry to Nigerian youths to intensify their ongoing protests against bad governance. The outspoken activist, in a passionate social media post, urged citizens to escalate their demands for accountability and transparency.

“We Are At War”

Charly Boy painted a grim picture of the nation’s leadership, describing them as “thieves, dishonest, insane, intolerable and don’t give a damn if we live or die.” He emphasized the urgency of the situation, likening the struggle to a battle against a formidable foe.

My dear Nigerian Youths, I trust that by now you all know what we’re up against,” he wrote. “We can never make an omelet without breaking eggs. The powers that be are demonically entrenched.”

The veteran entertainer called on the youth to be relentless in their pursuit of a better Nigeria, urging them to “get louder and go pro max.” He emphasized the need for sustained pressure on the government to force tangible changes.

A Catalyst for Change

Charly Boy’s involvement in the protest movement is not new. He has consistently been a vocal critic of the government’s failings and has used his platform to mobilize citizens. His latest call to action has resonated with many young Nigerians who are increasingly frustrated with the status quo.

The protests, which erupted over the rising cost of living and fuel scarcity, have seen a surge in participation. The government has responded with a mix of concessions and crackdowns, leading to a tense atmosphere across the country.

The Road Ahead

The outcome of the protests remains uncertain. However, the sustained engagement of the youth, coupled with the support of influential figures like Charly Boy, has the potential to force significant changes in the country’s governance.

As the situation evolves, it is clear that the Nigerian people are demanding a government that is accountable, responsive, and committed to the welfare of its citizens. The protests have become a platform for expressing these demands, and figures like Charly Boy are playing a crucial role in amplifying the voices of the people.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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