The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has reaffirmed its controversial ban on the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages in sachets and small PET and glass bottles. This comes amidst continued opposition from industry stakeholders and some sections of the public, who argue the ban will lead to job losses and a flourishing black market.

The saga began in February 2024 when NAFDAC announced the ban, citing concerns about public health and safety. They argue that sachet alcohol, often referred to as “local gin” or “monkey tail,” is particularly susceptible to adulteration with methanol, a toxic substance that can cause blindness, organ damage, and even death. Additionally, the agency highlights the easy accessibility of these cheap alcoholic drinks, contributing to underage drinking and associated problems like public intoxication and violence.

Industry Cries Foul: Jobs and Revenue at Stake

The ban has been met with fierce resistance from the alcohol industry. Manufacturers and distributors argue that the decision will have a devastating impact on their businesses, leading to job losses and a decline in government revenue generated from excise duties.

The National Union of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Senior Staff Association (NUFBTE) estimates that over 500,000 jobs could be at stake, with ripple effects impacting distributors, retailers, and allied industries. The industry also warns that the ban could push consumers towards unregulated alternatives, potentially increasing the risk of methanol poisoning.

NAFDAC Stands Firm: Public Health Over Profits

NAFDAC, however, remains resolute in its stance. Director-General Mojisola Adeyeye emphasizes the agency’s primary mandate: to safeguard public health. She highlights a 2018 committee report, involving the Federal Ministry of Health, NAFDAC, and industry representatives, that recommended this very ban.

Furthermore, NAFDAC argues that the potential job losses can be mitigated through diversification within the industry. Manufacturers can shift production to larger-sized, regulated alcoholic beverages. Additionally, the agency emphasizes its commitment to working with affected businesses to explore alternative product lines and support potential retraining programs.

A Battle on Two Fronts: Black Market Concerns

Both NAFDAC and industry stakeholders acknowledge the potential for a black market to flourish in the wake of the ban. NAFDAC is strengthening enforcement measures to crack down on the production and sale of illegal alcohol. This includes increased surveillance, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and public awareness campaigns to educate consumers about the dangers of black-market alcohol.

The industry, however, expresses concern regarding NAFDAC’s capacity to effectively police the vast informal sector. They propose a more collaborative approach, advocating for stricter regulations and quality control measures for sachet alcohol production, alongside increased public education on responsible drinking.

The Debate Rages On: Balancing Public Health and Livelihoods

The NAFDAC ban on sachet alcohol has ignited a complex debate. Public health concerns undoubtedly carry significant weight. However, the potential economic impact and the specter of a black market cannot be ignored.

Finding Common Ground: A Path Forward

Moving forward, a multi-pronged approach might be the key. NAFDAC’s commitment to stricter enforcement and public awareness campaigns is crucial. Additionally, exploring alternative livelihood options for affected workers through government support and industry initiatives is essential.

Furthermore, could there be room for compromise? Perhaps a review of the minimum volume threshold for the ban, coupled with stricter regulations and quality control measures for smaller-sized alcoholic beverages, could be a potential solution.

The Consumer’s Choice: Responsible Consumption

Ultimately, the success of any initiative hinges on consumer behavior. Public education campaigns emphasizing responsible drinking habits and the dangers of unregulated alcohol are vital. Additionally, consumers can play a crucial role by choosing reputable brands and avoiding black-market alternatives.

The NAFDAC ban on sachet alcohol is a story with no easy answers. It’s a complex issue pitting public health concerns against economic considerations. Finding a solution that safeguards lives while minimizing economic disruption will require a collaborative effort from NAFDAC, industry stakeholders, and the public alike. Only through open dialogue and a commitment to the well-being of Nigerians can a path forward be charted.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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