Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has made a clarion call for a paradigm shift in how we approach communication with children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) landscape. Governor Sanwo-Olu’s remarks, delivered on July 17, 2024, at an event focused on Autism awareness, placed a spotlight on the challenges faced by these children and their families due to speech difficulties and communication limitations.

The Governor’s message went beyond mere acknowledgment. He proposed a multi-pronged approach that could bridge the communication gap and foster a more inclusive environment for children with Autism.

A Symphony of Strategies: From Pictograms to Personalized Care

Sanwo-Olu highlighted the critical need for alternative communication tools and teaching methods. This includes incorporating clear and concise messaging in public spaces – hotels, restaurants, and even universities. He envisioned a future where pictograms and other non-verbal communication methods, commonly used abroad, would become commonplace in Lagos.

These pictograms are essentially visual representations of concepts or actions. For a child with Autism who may struggle with traditional verbal communication, a pictogram depicting a restroom or a specific food item can be a powerful tool for self-expression and understanding their environment.

The Governor’s call extends beyond public spaces. He emphasized the importance of “keeping it simple and short” (KISS) when interacting with children with Autism. This underscores the need for clear, concise language and a patient approach from caregivers, educators, and the general public.

Building Bridges of Understanding: Love, Patience, and Personalized Care

Sanwo-Olu’s message wasn’t simply about technical solutions. He stressed the importance of spreading love, understanding, and empathy for these children.

This sentiment was echoed by speech and language therapist, Eniola Lahanmi, who also addressed the audience. Ms. Lahanmi emphasized the importance of personalized strategies based on individual strengths and challenges. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to communication for children with Autism.

Empowering Parents and Caregivers: Readily Available Resources

Governor Sanwo-Olu acknowledged the immense dedication of parents and caregivers who navigate the complexities of Autism on a daily basis. He offered practical solutions to empower them further.

One suggestion centered on readily downloadable pictograms from the internet. This allows parents and caregivers to curate a personalized set of visuals that cater to the specific needs of their child. He also proposed the creation of locally relevant visuals, ensuring the tools used for communication resonate with the child’s cultural background and experiences.

Collaboration is Key: A Call for Collective Action

The Governor’s message wasn’t directed solely at parents and caregivers. He implored stakeholders across various sectors to join the fight for improved communication for children with Autism.

This includes:

  • Educational Institutions: Integrating training on effective communication strategies for children with Autism into teacher education programs.
  • Healthcare Professionals: Equipping healthcare providers with the knowledge and tools to identify and support children with Autism and their families.
  • Policymakers: Advocating for policies that promote inclusion and accessibility for individuals with Autism.
  • The Media: Playing a crucial role in raising awareness about Autism and promoting positive portrayals of individuals on the spectrum.

A Brighter Future: Building a More Inclusive Lagos

Governor Sanwo-Olu’s call to action paints a hopeful picture for the future. By embracing alternative communication tools, fostering a culture of understanding, and implementing a collaborative approach, Lagos can become a beacon of inclusion for children with Autism.

Beyond the Headlines: What can you do?

The Governor’s message serves as a springboard for action, not just for policymakers but for everyone in the Lagos community. Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Educate Yourself: Learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder. There are a wealth of resources available online and from organizations like the Autism Society of Nigeria [Autism Society of Nigeria,].
  • Practice Patience and Understanding: When encountering a child who may be displaying signs of Autism, remember the importance of clear communication, patience, and a non-judgmental approach.
  • Advocate for Inclusion: Speak up for the rights and needs of children with Autism in your community.
  • Support Organizations: Donate your time or resources to organizations working to support children with Autism and their families.

By working together, we can create a Lagos where every child, regardless of their neurodevelopmental profile, has the chance to thrive and reach their full potential.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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