Veteran Nigerian record producer, Olumide Ogunade, popularly known as ID Cabasa, has ignited a firestorm of debate with his recent comments on the purpose of marriage. In an interview with Echoo Room, ID Cabasa stated that marriage is not designed to bring happiness, but rather to fulfill a “divine purpose” centered around God. His remarks have sparked lively discussions online, prompting many to question traditional views on marriage and explore its deeper meaning.

A Provocative Statement: Challenging Conventional Wisdom

ID Cabasa’s comments come as a surprise in a culture where marriage is often seen as the ultimate path to happiness. Fairytales, rom-coms, and societal pressures often paint a picture of marriage as a blissful state of constant joy. ID Cabasa, however, challenges this notion, suggesting that a more fulfilling approach to marriage lies in understanding its true purpose.

Seeking Divine Purpose: Marriage as a Spiritual Union

In the interview, ID Cabasa emphasizes his Christian faith and draws upon biblical teachings. He argues that marriage is a sacred union established by God, with the purpose of “multiply and dominate the earth.” He emphasizes that happiness and fulfillment are byproducts of this divine purpose, not the ultimate goal.

Submission and Responsibility: Redefining Marital Roles

ID Cabasa further emphasizes the concept of submission within marriage, a term often misunderstood in contemporary society. He clarifies that submission, “as unto the Lord,” refers to aligning oneself with God’s plan, not blind surrender. He highlights the man’s role as the head of the family, ultimately responsible to God for the well-being of the family unit.

Social Media Erupts: A Spectrum of Reactions

ID Cabasa’s comments have predictably sparked a range of reactions on social media platforms. Some religious followers have expressed strong support for his views, finding his emphasis on God and spiritual purpose to be refreshing. Others, however, have voiced strong opposition. Many feminists criticize his interpretation of submission, arguing for a more equal partnership within marriage.

A Call for Deeper Discussion: Beyond Happiness-Centric Views

The debate surrounding ID Cabasa’s comments, however, offers a valuable opportunity to have a more nuanced conversation about marriage. While his views on submission and divine purpose may not resonate with everyone, his challenge to the happiness-centric view of marriage is worth considering.

Beyond the Butterflies: Marriage as a Journey of Growth

Many successful marriages acknowledge that happiness is fleeting. Real love involves commitment, effort, and navigating challenges together. Marriage can be a powerful tool for personal growth, fostering emotional maturity and spiritual development. Perhaps true fulfillment lies not in constant euphoria, but in the shared journey of building a life together.

Individual Beliefs and Cultural Context

It’s important to acknowledge the diversity of beliefs surrounding marriage. ID Cabasa’s perspective is informed by his faith and cultural background. What constitutes a successful marriage can vary depending on individual values and societal norms.

Open Communication and Shared Values

Ultimately, the key to a successful marriage lies in open communication, shared values, and a commitment to working together. Whether rooted in religious faith, personal growth, or simply a deep love and respect for each other, a clear understanding of what marriage means to both partners is crucial.

Beyond the Debate: A Call for Mutual Respect

While ID Cabasa’s comments have sparked controversy, they serve as a catalyst for meaningful discussions. Respectful dialogue, even when viewpoints differ, is vital in navigating complex social issues like marriage. Finding common ground and appreciating the diversity of beliefs can help couples, and society as a whole, approach marriage with greater understanding and purpose.


Ade is consistent in the world of politics, tech and entertainment. He is really updated on the recent happenings in the world and has a skin in the game.

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