Beautiful cultural traditions came alive in a touching moment when Nollywood actress Tawa Ajisefinni’s four-month-old son, Abdulqayyum Alli, met his grandparents for the first time. The overseas-based actress, who recently arrived in Nigeria, captured hearts across social media with a tender video showing her infant son’s introduction to his paternal grandparents.

The video, shared on her Instagram page, showcased a precious cultural moment that particularly caught viewers’ attention – the baby’s adorable attempt at prostration, a traditional Yoruba gesture of respect. This touching detail sparked joy among followers, with one commenter, Far lifted Shaby, specifically noting, “It’s the prostration for me,” highlighting how deeply this cultural connection resonated with viewers.

This memorable family reunion holds special significance given Tawa’s personal journey to motherhood. After years of marriage and facing numerous challenges, the arrival of baby Abdulqayyum represents a profound blessing for the couple. The actress has been open about her struggles, sharing how she endured trolling and hurtful comments during her waiting period, with some people callously labeling her as barren.

The joy of this family gathering becomes even more poignant when considering it follows Tawa’s first Christmas celebration as a mother. The actress had previously shared her gratitude for this milestone, posting family pictures that she described as a “dream come true.” Her journey through pregnancy, though challenging with severe heartburn, culminated in this beautiful moment of cultural connection and family bonding.

Comments on the video reflected the warmth and humor of the occasion. While some playfully teased about “stressing the baby,” others admired the infant’s calm demeanor during this significant meeting. The actress’s maternal instinct showed through in her careful note about cleaning the baby’s pacifier after the greeting, demonstrating the balance between maintaining traditions and ensuring her child’s wellbeing.

The significance of this meeting extends beyond just a family reunion. It represents the bridging of generations and the preservation of cultural values, even while living abroad. Tawa’s conscious effort to introduce her son to these traditional customs at such a young age speaks to the importance of maintaining cultural connections in an increasingly global world.

Just three months prior, Tawa had marked her son’s third month milestone with powerful prayers and expressions of gratitude to Allah. This spiritual foundation, combined with the cultural elements displayed in the recent video, paints a picture of a family deeply rooted in both faith and tradition.

The actress’s reflection on her journey adds depth to this moment. Her previous acknowledgment of needing “the rain for her faith to grow” during her waiting period transformed into a testament of perseverance and faith. The meeting with the grandparents serves as a beautiful continuation of this story of hope and answered prayers.

The video has sparked conversations about cultural preservation among diaspora families and the importance of maintaining connections with extended family. It showcases how traditional values can be passed down to the next generation, even when families are separated by geographical distances.

As Tawa continues to share these precious moments with her followers, her story serves as an inspiration to many who might be facing similar challenges. The genuine joy displayed by the grandparents meeting their grandson for the first time, combined with the touching attempt at traditional greeting, creates a powerful narrative about family bonds, cultural heritage, and the beauty of new beginnings.

This heartwarming reunion reminds us that some traditions transcend age and distance, creating meaningful connections that span generations. Through sharing these intimate family moments, Tawa not only celebrates her personal joy but also helps preserve and promote the beauty of Yoruba cultural traditions for future generations.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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