Popular Nigerian actress Aolat Ayonimofe has revealed a harrowing experience she endured recently when she was robbed at knifepoint in the Ogudu area of Lagos. The incident left her with a severe neck injury and a sense of shock and trauma.

Ayonimofe recounted the terrifying ordeal, stating that she was driving through Ogudu when she was suddenly confronted by a group of armed robbers. The assailants, wielding a sharp object, demanded her valuables. Despite her attempts to resist, Ayonimofe was overpowered and sustained a deep wound to her neck.

“I was terrified,” Ayonimofe shared in an emotional interview. “I thought they were going to hurt me more. It was a horrible experience that I’ll never forget.”

The robbers made off with her belongings, including her purse, phone, and jewelry. Ayonimofe was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital where she received medical attention for her injuries.

The incident has sent shockwaves through the Nigerian entertainment industry, with many colleagues and fans expressing their concern and support for Ayonimofe. The actress has also received messages of encouragement and prayers from well-wishers across the country.

Rising Crime Rates in Lagos

Ayonimofe’s robbery is just one of many incidents of crime that have been reported in Lagos in recent times. The city, once considered relatively safe, has seen a surge in criminal activity, including armed robbery, burglary, and kidnapping.

Experts attribute the rise in crime to a combination of factors, such as economic hardship, unemployment, and social inequality. The lack of adequate security measures and law enforcement has also contributed to the problem.

Calls for Increased Security

Following Ayonimofe’s ordeal, many residents of Lagos have called for increased security measures to protect the city’s citizens. They have urged the government to invest in better policing, surveillance systems, and community watch programs.

Some have also suggested that the government should focus on addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty and unemployment. By creating job opportunities and improving social conditions, the government can help to reduce the incidence of crime.

Ayonimofe’s Recovery

Ayonimofe is currently recovering from her injuries and is undergoing physical therapy to help her heal. She has expressed gratitude for the support she has received from her family, friends, and fans.

The actress has also vowed to use her experience to raise awareness about the dangers of crime and to advocate for increased security measures in Lagos. She believes that by sharing her story, she can help to prevent others from falling victim to similar crimes.


Aolat Ayonimofe’s harrowing experience highlights the growing problem of crime in Lagos. The incident has also sparked a conversation about the need for increased security measures and addressing the root causes of criminal activity.

As Ayonimofe continues to recover, it is hoped that her story will serve as a catalyst for change and help to make Lagos a safer place for all its residents.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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