In a historic development that marks a new chapter in the life of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, seven new bishops and four archbishops were consecrated on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. The consecration ceremony, held at the prestigious St. Paul’s Cathedral, Abuja, was a solemn and joyous occasion attended by clergy, dignitaries, and thousands of faithful.

The newly elected bishops and archbishops, whose names were announced during the Episcopal Synod held on Monday, August 12, 2024, at St. Matthew’s Church, Maitama, Abuja, have been entrusted with the spiritual leadership of their respective dioceses and provinces. Their consecration signifies a fresh mandate to serve the church and its members with dedication and commitment.

A Call to Service

In his address to the newly consecrated bishops and archbishops, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Archbishop Henry Ndukuba, emphasized the immense responsibility bestowed upon them. He urged them to be faithful stewards of the gospel, to lead with humility, and to be exemplary in their conduct.

“Your election is a call to selfless service,” Archbishop Ndukuba said. “You are to be shepherds who care for the flock, teachers who impart knowledge, and intercessors who pray without ceasing. Let your lives be a reflection of the love and grace of God.”

The consecration ceremony was a powerful display of unity and solidarity within the Anglican Church. It was an opportunity for the church to reaffirm its commitment to its mission and to inspire its members to deepen their faith.

Filling the Gaps

The election of the new bishops and archbishops was necessitated by the need to fill vacancies in several dioceses and provinces across the country. The church has been experiencing rapid growth, and the appointment of new leaders is crucial for effective administration and spiritual oversight.

The newly consecrated bishops will be responsible for the pastoral care of their dioceses, overseeing the work of the clergy, and promoting the growth of the church. The archbishops, on the other hand, will provide leadership and guidance to their respective provinces, coordinating the activities of the dioceses under their jurisdiction.

Challenges and Opportunities

The new bishops and archbishops assume their roles at a time when the church faces both challenges and opportunities. The challenges include the increasing secularization of society, the rise of religious extremism, and the economic hardships faced by many Nigerians. However, the church also has the opportunity to be a beacon of hope and to offer spiritual guidance and support to its members.

The new leaders are expected to bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the church. They are also expected to collaborate with other Christian denominations and interfaith organizations to address the challenges facing the nation.

A Bright Future

The consecration of the seven new bishops and four archbishops is a significant milestone for the Anglican Church in Nigeria. It is a testament to the church’s vitality and its commitment to fulfilling its mission.

As these new leaders embark on their journey of service, the church looks forward to a bright future filled with spiritual growth, unity, and impact. The people of God are praying for them, and the entire nation is watching with keen interest as they lead the church into a new era.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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