Nigerian actor and model, Alex Ekubo, found himself in an awkward situation at a recent social event when he attempted to shake hands with billionaire businessman, Aliko Dangote. The encounter, captured on video and widely circulated online, has sparked discussions about social etiquette, celebrity culture, and the complexities of interacting with influential figures.

The incident took place at a high-profile gathering attended by a number of Nigerian celebrities and business leaders. As Ekubo approached Dangote, who was engaged in conversation with other guests, he extended his hand for a handshake. However, Dangote appeared to ignore the gesture, continuing his conversation without acknowledging Ekubo’s presence.

The video of the encounter quickly went viral on social media, prompting a wave of reactions from viewers. Some defended Dangote, arguing that he was simply focused on his conversation and may not have noticed Ekubo’s approach. Others criticized the actor for his perceived lack of respect and social awareness.

Ekubo, who has not publicly commented on the incident, has been known for his outgoing personality and active social media presence. His popularity has grown significantly in recent years, thanks to his roles in numerous Nigerian films and television shows.

The Significance of Handshakes in Nigerian Culture

Handshakes are a common greeting in Nigerian culture, often seen as a sign of respect and camaraderie. The act of shaking hands can convey a sense of equality and mutual acknowledgment.

In the context of the Ekubo-Dangote encounter, the billionaire’s apparent refusal to shake hands has been interpreted by some as a deliberate snub or a statement of social hierarchy. However, others have argued that such interpretations may be exaggerated, and that the incident could simply be a misunderstanding or a reflection of Dangote’s personal preferences.

The Power Dynamics Between Celebrities and Business Leaders

The encounter between Ekubo and Dangote highlights the power dynamics that often exist between celebrities and business leaders. While celebrities may enjoy a high degree of public recognition, they may also face challenges when interacting with individuals of greater social or economic status.

In the case of Dangote, who is the richest person in Africa and one of the world’s wealthiest individuals, his position of authority and influence may have made him less inclined to engage in informal greetings with individuals he does not know well.

Lessons in Social Etiquette and Respect

The Ekubo-Dangote incident serves as a reminder of the importance of social etiquette and respect, particularly when interacting with individuals from different social or cultural backgrounds. While it is essential to be confident and assertive, it is also important to be mindful of others’ feelings and boundaries.

In situations where you are unsure how to proceed, it is often best to err on the side of caution and avoid making assumptions. A simple smile or nod of acknowledgment can be a more appropriate form of greeting in certain circumstances.

The Impact of Social Media on Public Perception

The rapid spread of the Ekubo-Dangote video on social media has underscored the powerful influence of online platforms in shaping public perception. The incident has sparked a wide-ranging debate, with people expressing a variety of opinions and interpretations.

While social media can be a valuable tool for connecting people and sharing information, it is important to be aware of the potential for misinformation and bias. It is also crucial to approach online discussions with empathy and respect, even when disagreeing with others.

Beyond the Handshake: A Deeper Look at Celebrity Culture

The Ekubo-Dangote encounter raises broader questions about celebrity culture and the expectations placed on public figures. In an era where celebrities are often held to unrealistic standards of perfection, it is important to remember that they are human beings with flaws and imperfections.

By focusing on the negative aspects of celebrity culture, we may be contributing to a toxic environment that can harm both celebrities and their fans. It is essential to approach celebrity news with a critical eye and to avoid making judgments based on limited information.


The Alex Ekubo-Aliko Dangote handshake incident has sparked a lively debate about social etiquette, celebrity culture, and the power dynamics between different social groups. While the incident itself may seem trivial, it has highlighted important issues related to respect, understanding, and the impact of social media.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world, it is essential to approach each other with empathy, compassion, and a willingness to learn from our differences. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society for all.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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