A university lecturer in Lagos, Nigeria, is facing accusations of academic misconduct after allegedly failing a student multiple times for refusing to contribute money to her child’s naming ceremony. The incident has sparked outrage online and raised concerns about a potential culture of extortion within Nigerian universities.

A Failing Grade and a Shocking Revelation

The controversy centers around a female student at a private university in Lagos (name withheld to protect privacy) who alleges she was repeatedly failed by her lecturer for refusing to contribute financially to the lecturer’s child’s naming ceremony, a traditional Nigerian celebration.

The student claims she consistently received failing grades in the lecturer’s course despite performing well on assignments and participating actively in class discussions. Growing suspicious, she approached a classmate who confirmed the lecturer had solicited contributions for the naming ceremony from several students.

Upon confronting the lecturer, the student alleges the professor admitted to failing her based on her refusal to contribute.

Social Media Erupts: Calls for Investigation and Reform

The student’s story quickly gained traction on social media, with many expressing outrage at the alleged abuse of power. Hashtags like #EndUniExtortion and #RespectForStudents trended in Nigeria, highlighting concerns about a potential culture of exploitation within universities.

Online discussion boards were flooded with similar stories from other students who claimed to have faced pressure to contribute money to lecturers for personal reasons, often fearing repercussions on their grades.

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), the umbrella body for student unions in Nigeria, condemned the alleged incident and called for a thorough investigation by the university’s authorities. They demanded the lecturer be held accountable and for stricter regulations to prevent such incidents from happening again.

The University Responds: Denials and Promises of Action

The university where the alleged incident took place issued a press release denying knowledge of the situation but promising a full investigation. They emphasized their zero-tolerance policy for academic misconduct and urged the student to file a formal complaint.

The university administration also stated their commitment to upholding academic integrity and creating a safe learning environment for all students. They pledged to review and strengthen existing policies to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The Delicate Dance: Cultural Practice vs. Academic Integrity

The case raises complex questions about the intersection of cultural practices and academic integrity. Nigerian naming ceremonies are traditionally seen as community events where friends, family, and colleagues contribute financially to support the celebrants. However, pressuring students to contribute financially could be construed as extortion, especially within a power dynamic like that between a lecturer and a student.

The university has a responsibility to ensure a clear distinction between cultural practices and academic evaluation. Students should never feel pressured to contribute money to personal events in exchange for good grades.

A Call for Transparency and Strong Governance

The alleged incident underscores the need for strong governance and transparency within Nigerian universities. Clear guidelines and robust reporting mechanisms should be in place to address student concerns about academic misconduct.

Universities also need to foster a culture of academic integrity where students feel comfortable speaking up about potential abuse without fear of retribution.

Furthermore, fostering open communication channels between students and administration can help nip potential problems in the bud.

The Road Ahead: Ensuring a Safe Learning Environment

The student’s story serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safeguarding academic integrity in Nigerian universities. The alleged actions of the lecturer, if proven true, represent a serious breach of trust and a violation of the student’s right to fair evaluation.

A thorough investigation is necessary to determine the facts of the case and ensure appropriate action is taken. However, the conversation shouldn’t end there.

Nigerian universities need to implement stricter regulations, promote ethical conduct among faculty, and create a safe learning environment where students feel empowered to excel without fear of exploitation. Only then can Nigerian universities truly fulfill their mission of providing quality education without compromising academic integrity.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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