A storm of controversy has erupted in Zamfara State, Nigeria, following a public denouncement by Dr. Sani Abdullahi Shinkafi, a former governorship candidate and ex-national secretary of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA). Shinkafi has launched a scathing attack on Governor Dauda Lawal’s administration regarding the re-awarded contract for the Gusau International Cargo Airport project.

Shinkafi’s primary criticism revolves around the exorbitant cost of the project. He has labeled the N62.8 billion price tag as “absurd” and “inconceivable,” particularly given the ongoing security challenges and pressing social needs within the state.

Here’s a deeper dive into the reasons behind Shinkafi’s criticism, the potential impact of the project, and the wider implications for Zamfara State:

A Question of Priorities:

Shinkafi’s core argument centers on the questionable prioritization of resources. He argues that the state government should be focusing on addressing immediate security concerns and improving access to basic social amenities like education and healthcare. Shinkafi suggests that the N62.8 billion could be better utilized in tackling these critical issues that directly impact the lives of Zamfara residents.

A Comparison with Other Projects:

Shinkafi further strengthens his criticism by drawing comparisons with similar cargo airport projects in other Nigerian states. He highlights the significantly lower costs associated with airports in Ogun, Nasarawa, Yobe, and Jigawa, all of which were constructed for considerably less than the proposed Gusau project. This comparison raises questions about the transparency and justification behind the inflated cost of the Gusau project.

Transparency and Accountability:

Shinkafi’s critique also throws light on the issue of transparency within the Zamfara State government. He urges the government to provide a detailed breakdown of the project’s costs and ensure that the awarded contract adheres to all necessary procurement regulations. This call for transparency is crucial for building public trust and ensuring that taxpayer funds are utilized efficiently.

Economic Viability:

The economic viability of the Gusau Cargo Airport project is another point of contention. Skeptics like Shinkafi question whether the state has the necessary infrastructure and economic base to support a major cargo hub. They argue that the project might turn into a white elephant, draining resources without generating significant economic benefits for Zamfara.

Potential Benefits:

Despite the criticism, some argue that the project holds the potential for long-term economic benefits. Proponents believe that the airport could attract investment, boost trade, and create employment opportunities within the state. However, they acknowledge the need for careful planning and a clear strategy to ensure the project’s success.

Security Concerns:

Zamfara State has been grappling with ongoing security challenges for several years. Critics argue that prioritizing a massive construction project amidst such instability is imprudent. They suggest that the government should focus on restoring security and creating a conducive environment before embarking on ambitious infrastructure projects.

Public Scrutiny:

Shinkafi’s public denouncement has sparked a wave of public scrutiny surrounding the Gusau Cargo Airport project. This increased awareness can lead to a more informed public discourse and encourage the government to address concerns regarding transparency and accountability.

A Call for Dialogue:

The controversy surrounding the Gusau Cargo Airport project highlights the need for open dialogue and collaboration between the government, the private sector, and the public. A thorough feasibility study, cost-benefit analysis, and open discussions about the project’s potential impact are crucial before proceeding further.

Beyond Zamfara:

This incident serves as a cautionary tale for other Nigerian states considering large-scale infrastructure projects. It underscores the importance of prioritizing needs, ensuring transparency, and conducting thorough assessments before embarking on such endeavors.

The Road Ahead:

Governor Lawal’s administration now faces the challenge of addressing public concerns and justifying the exorbitant cost of the Gusau Cargo Airport project. They must provide a clear and convincing explanation for the project’s rationale and economic viability. Alternatively, they might be forced to reconsider the project’s scope or even shelve it altogether.

Dr. Shinkafi’s public criticism has ignited a crucial debate about resource allocation and development priorities within Zamfara State. The coming weeks will be watched closely as the government navigates the controversy and decides on the future of the Gusau Cargo Airport project.


Yetty is an entertainment blogger with skin in the game. She knows her way around the industry and thrives to promote and share binge-worthy contents. She is one of the best bloggers out there.

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