Nollywood actor Damola Olatunji has sparked heated debate on social media following the release of a proposal video featuring an unidentified woman. The actor, who recently separated from his children’s mother, shared footage of what appears to be a romantic proposal, captioning it simply with “And she said Yes” alongside various love emojis.
The unexpected announcement has triggered strong reactions from fans, particularly those who remember his previous relationship with Bukola, the mother of his twins. Social media users have expressed their disapproval of what they perceive as a swift move to new romance, with many questioning the timing and circumstances of the proposal.
This latest development comes in the wake of significant changes in Olatunji’s personal life. May 2023 marked a turning point when Bukola officially announced their separation through her legal representatives, revealing that while they had never formally married, they shared twins together. Olatunji’s response to the separation at the time raised eyebrows, as he took to social media with celebratory posts, describing himself as a “grace carrier” and a “man without worries.”
The actor addressed the circumstances of his previous relationship during a July interview, where he pushed back against accusations of abandoning his home and marriage. In what now appears to be a foreshadowing of his current situation, he philosophically noted that “feelings die and love fades,” advocating for amicable separations over toxic relationships.
Public reaction to the proposal video has been swift and largely critical, with fans expressing particular concern about the contrast between his previous and current romantic interests. Comments on social media have ranged from disbelief to outright criticism, with some followers suggesting the video might be from a movie scene rather than a real-life event.
Adding another layer to the unfolding drama, this announcement follows recent speculation about Olatunji’s relationship with colleague Dayo Amusa, after he was spotted at her son’s naming ceremony. The actor had previously addressed rumors about his connection to Amusa’s child, though the nature of their relationship remains a subject of public interest.
The timing of this proposal video has particularly struck a chord with followers who remember the recent history of his personal life playing out in public view. The contrast between his previous relationship and this new development has led to intense discussion about celebrity relationships and public accountability.
Some skeptical fans have questioned whether the video might be part of a movie project, highlighting the sometimes blurry line between reality and performance in the entertainment industry. These doubts stem from both the unexpected nature of the announcement and Olatunji’s profession as an actor.
The controversy surrounding this proposal reflects broader discussions about relationships, responsibility, and public perception in Nigerian entertainment circles. As the story continues to develop, it has become clear that Olatunji’s personal life remains a subject of significant public interest and debate.
Whether this proposal represents a new chapter in Olatunji’s personal life or serves another purpose remains to be seen, but it has certainly succeeded in capturing public attention and generating substantial discussion about celebrities’ personal choices and their impact on public perception.