Nollywood actress Akinyanju Arike, better known by her stage name Eyinju Eledumare, has taken to social media to express her frustration and disappointment with the rampant hypocrisy and fake love she perceives within the Yoruba Nollywood industry. In a scathing Instagram post, the usually calm actress called out an unnamed colleague who allegedly celebrated her privately but refused to acknowledge her post publicly.
Eyinju ‘s powerful message has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, shedding light on the complex dynamics and interpersonal relationships that often remain hidden behind the glitz and glamour of the silver screen. Her words paint a picture of an industry plagued by insincerity, where genuine connections and authentic support are often overshadowed by self-interest and duplicity.
According to Eyinju, the unnamed colleague had the audacity to reach out to her via direct message, expressing gratitude for the love and support she had shown them. However, this private acknowledgment stood in stark contrast to the colleague’s public behavior, as they openly acknowledged posts made by others while seemingly ignoring Eledumare’s tribute.
This incident, which Eyinju suggests is not an isolated occurrence, has left her deeply irked and disillusioned with the state of relationships within the Yoruba Nollywood community. In her post, she lambasted those who engage in such dubious behavior, accusing them of hypocrisy and a lack of genuine camaraderie.
Eyinju’s message serves as a powerful reminder that the bonds formed within the entertainment industry are not always as they appear on the surface. While colleagues may present a facade of unity and mutual support in public, the reality behind closed doors can be far more complex and often tainted by personal agendas and hidden animosities.
In a particularly poignant moment, Eyinju addressed the issue of colleagues who may have wronged her in the past, urging them to resolve any issues they may have with her posts directly rather than resorting to underhanded tactics. She wrote, “if i post you on my timeline and you know because of something bad you have done to me behind me you cant comment under the post so the people in your occult# will see it and bash you, please please and please, you can either tell me to take it down that you dont want me to post you or ignore (and I will never post you again) dont freaking come to my dm to thank me when you can do it under the post, se e ya werey ni…
Eyinju’s words serve as a clarion call for authenticity and genuine connection within an industry that often prioritizes image over substance. She makes it clear that her posts and tributes are not motivated by a desire for closure, friendship, or personal gain, but rather by a genuine desire to express her feelings and appreciation for others in a positive light.
However, Eyinju also acknowledges the challenges she faces in forming and maintaining friendships within the industry, candidly admitting, “I don’t have friends cause I Suck at being anyone’s friend.” This vulnerability and self-awareness add depth to her message, highlighting the personal struggles and emotional toll that navigating the complex web of relationships within Nollywood can take on an individual.
As Eyinju’s post continues to circulate and gain traction on social media, it has sparked a broader conversation about the need for greater transparency, sincerity, and mutual respect within the Yoruba Nollywood community. Many have applauded the actress for her bravery in speaking out against the hypocrisy and fake love that she believes plague the industry, while others have shared their own experiences and insights into the challenges of navigating professional relationships in the world of entertainment.
Eyinju’s powerful message serves as a reminder that even in an industry built on illusion and fantasy, there is a fundamental need for authenticity and genuine human connection. As the Yoruba Nollywood community reflects on her words and the issues she has brought to light, it is an opportunity for introspection and growth, a chance to forge a path towards a more supportive, empathetic, and sincere industry culture.
In the face of the challenges and disappointments she has faced, Eyinju Eledumare remains steadfast in her commitment to being true to herself and expressing her feelings with honesty and integrity. Her message is a call to action for her colleagues and the industry as a whole, a plea for a return to the fundamental values of respect, empathy, and genuine human connection that should lie at the heart of any creative endeavor.